It’s the night before my birthday. I have probably driven all of my friends and family insane this past week or even month relishing about it. Some people think I …
Our Resolutions, Your Resolutions
The first of the year is full of promises. By the end of February, those promises are like Osteogenesis Imperfecta bones…broken! But we at Audacity Magazine want to know your …
Grateful Journal
Most of the time, people are only thankful during Thanksgiving. Most of the time, we are busy being busy. We all have the exact 24 hours in a day. How …
Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round
Have you ever heard of a Paratransit Service in your area? If you live in the United States, you should have access to this program. If you live in other …
Under The Sea
While Disney has numerous successful animated movies about every subject from poverty to magic, no other movie touches me like “The Little Mermaid”. I love this movie. I have seen …
Give Me My Wheels or Give Me Death
Every morning I wake up to see my Quickie wheelchair on the left side of my bed. The only time I ever not want to see my wheelchair would be …
Lesson In Love
“What a day! I’m exhausted. Let’s just stay home and relax,” Janet said. She sat on the floor with her back against my bed while I painted my nails. “Fine …
Short End of the Stick
Women have been getting the short end of the stick for as long as time began. Being a disabled woman doesn’t exactly give me a GO pass in life. When …
Little Tommys of the World
Nathasha Alvarez recieving a hug from her youngest sister, Tanya. Raise your hand if you love to be stared at by little kids? Hmmm…no one raised their hands. I guess …