Embracing the Everyday Challenge Hey friends! Let’s talk about something we all deal with: bathing. It’s more than just keeping clean—it’s about feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on …
Disabled People Need And Make Great Friends
Friendship is a cornerstone of human experience, offering support, joy, and a sense of belonging. For disabled individuals, friendships often take on an even more profound significance. They are not …
Stay Away From These People For A Better Life
As physically disabled people, our lives are never smooth. I can hear you say, “But no one has a smooth life, Nathasha.” Yes, I’m aware of that. But for us, …
When You Protect My Wheelchair, You Protect My Body.
When you protect my wheelchair, you protect my body. You don’t have to be a genius to grasp this concept. Yet society is filled with people who can’t understand it. …
Proud Disabled Latina on Wheels. It’s How I Roll.
Being a disabled Latina woman in this country is no easy feat. The odds are stacked against us from the get-go. We face discrimination, limited access to resources, and a …
Why Do Physically Disabled People Need Powerful Goals?
Physically disabled people need powerful goals. Why? Because successful people have goals. Powerful goals. Goals that burned inside their soul. Goals that took over their thoughts until they had to …
Physically Disabled Find Open Opportunities on the Internet
The beauty of the internet is that it doesn’t see a wheelchair, scooter, crutch, cane, or any other mobility aid. It doesn’t care whether you can speak, hear, touch, feel, …
Healthcare Scare for the Physically Disabled
Thanks for stumbling upon this article. The original article was written July 5th, 2009. We are now in March 2023. While we have made some medical advancements for society as …
Reflecting After a Health Scare
Sometimes when my friends even the ones online share their health scare, I feel their sense of fear and apprehension. It pushes me to reflect on my own mortality and …