Hey Girlfriends!

In Columns, Just My Bellybutton, Opinion by Nathasha Alvarez

In a world where you can be whatever you want to be, a group of women, came together to raise funds for Audacitymagazine.com .

I am not sure how the entire situation occurred but a nice woman, Christina,whom I met while I was at www.secondlife.com, an entire cyberworld complete with jobs, homes, stores, and clubs spoke to a group of women who call themselves, HEY GIRLFRIENDS, and they united to raise money for Audacitymagazine.com.

I was oblivious to their actions because I had not been in www.secondlife.com for quite some time.

So I was pleasantly surprised and extremely flattered that a woman whom I had never met in person had taken the liberty of discussing about Audacitymagazine.com to such a degree that it motivated a group of females to start a week long Valentine’s Charity fundraiser.

I was told that they set up a kissing booth with their most beautiful virtual women and handsome men puckering up for any amount of donation. All of the proceeds went directly to Audacitymagazine.com.

Christina told me that these women are from all over the world and come to secondlife.com to escape the stress from the real world and to have fun fulfilling out their fantasies. Besides, shopping for shoes and clothes is way cheaper than in the real world.

With their effort they raised over $150 US dollars! It came out to over 43,000 lindens which is the currency for secondlife.com . That equals mucho kissing!

They even auctioned off virtual dates! People donated many original virtual creations for the Hey Girlfriends to sell for the fundraising.

What is absolutely the most touching part of this story is that these women aren’t disabled and they don’t know me from Adam but they worked around the clock to make money for AudacityMagazine.com .

In the real world, it is extremely difficult to organize and execute a fund raising event without an entire entourage and months of planning.

In Secondlife.com, it took an incredible imagination and an enormous heart from strangers to make a person feel like family while helping a worthy company!

I don’t know the women but the few times I have been there since the event, they have been overly hospitable and welcoming with both virtual arms open.

Thank you very much to secondlife.com for allowing people to connect in a way that is so real it’s unreal!

Thank you very much to the most wonderful, magnificent and generous women in all of cyberworld, HEY GIRLFRIENDS!

Send your comments and questions to nathasha@audacitymagazine.com .