Jon Morrow from Boost Blog Traffic

In Audacious People, Features by Nathasha Alvarez

Jon Morrow living with Muscular Dystrophy

Jon Morrow from Boost Blog Traffic

Almost two years ago, I met Jon Morrow at NMX in Las Vegas. He was the only speaker at the conference with a physical disability yet, he doesn’t write or speak about living with Muscular Dystrophy. It takes a back seat in his life. Having physical disabilities shouldn’t stop us from pursuing

our dreams. Jon’s story is a perfect example that we can find excuses or we can find solutions. I was able to nab him long enough to get him to answer a few questions.

Jon, many people with physical disabilities have spoken against inspirational porn. They say that people with disabilities are not here to inspire others. However, other people with physical disabilities have qualms about this because they do feel it’s inspiring to them to see how others are dealing with the same issues.  What’s your opinion on this topic? 

Personally, I’m happy my life inspires people, but I don’t try to be inspirational. I just live my life the way I want, and if it helps other people, that’s great.
So, in one sense, I suppose I agree: people with disabilities are not here to inspire others. We are here to live our lives.

In another sense, I disagree: if we do inspire others, it seems like a waste of energy to be offended by it. If someone is inspired by you, it doesn’t cost you anything, so let them enjoy it.

In your blog posts, you write everything straight up with a raw edge. Were you always this audacious or was it something you developed through time and incidents? 

I’ve been audacious for as long as I can remember. To me though, it’s less of a characteristic than a mindset. In my mind, we’re all dying, but we have one of two options: die in shame, having abandoned your courage, or die in glory, having dared to live life on your own terms. Personally, I choose the latter.

Physical disabilities and gainful employment

There are people out there with physical disabilities who say they can’t find a job because no one will hire them due to their physical disabilities. What is your one best piece of advice to people who feel it’s them against society? Is it us against them?

It’s nonsense. I’ve never applied for a job and not gotten the position. Not once. If anything, it’s easier for people with disabilities to get jobs.
But that doesn’t mean you can suck. You still need to know your stuff. And there are many disabled people who don’t. They expect the world to give them things, rather than work for it, and that’s just silly.

Some people with physical disabilities say that their disability doesn’t define them. Others say that their physical disability is a major part of who they are. What’s your opinion on this? How much does your disability influence your identity and your actions?

Personally, I don’t think about my disability very much. Sure, it’s a huge part of who I am, but I’m so busy working on other stuff I rarely think about it.

Granted, a lot of my goals are tied to my disability. For instance, one of the primary reasons I’m working so hard now is because I’m preparing for the day when I’m no longer able to be so productive.

So, it’s definitely an influence… but I also think it’s unhealthy to think about it every five minutes.

Of all the blog posts you’ve written, which blog post do you strongly suggest our readers with physical disabilities to read? Why that one?

Read this one:


It’s about turning your disability into a source of power. Warning: grab a Kleenex box. 🙂


Thanks, Jon!

You guys should definitely catch Jon at his site Boost Blog Traffic  even if you don’t have a blog, his posts are help you reach your goals in all areas of your life.

Now it’s your turn to sound off, was Jon on the money?