Makeovers… Are They Worth The Time?

In Colorful You!, Fashion & Beauty by Starr Vaughn

Ok, we all know what you want! It’s what every girl wants:smooth flawless skin. On my face, I’ve been cursed with a million feckles and dry skin, but I’ve learned to deal with it. What to do?

We’ve all seen it, a dreadful colorless woman turned magically into a flawless beauty by a wonderous make-over. But don’t fret, you too can have great looking skin that you dream about every night. All it takes is the right colors and a little time. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have someone like me to do all of the dangerous work!

My mission was to have a make-over at the best known make-up chain in America: Sephora. With over seventy stores around the United States, it’s easy to see why everyone loves this place so much. You can basically try out anything and everything in the entire store. Hence, the famous slogan, “Play, touch, spray, smell, try”.

They sell over 200 different designer products including, Benefit, Nars, Christian Dior, and Lorac. Oh, and did I mention they give free make-overs? I went in with vengeance. I was tired of the same colors day in and day out and needed a change. So, sit back and read what I have to say, this my friend, is my story….

I traveled over a thousand miles to visit Sephora in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for a free make-over. After getting lost for only a couple of times, there it stood before me, those big black letters staring back, crying out to me, “Come! Flawless skin lies ahead!”. I was excited. This was to be my first make over. Finally, the answer to all of my color questions.

I jumped in the high black chair, and closed my eyes in anticipation. The high black chair is not a requirement but I couldn’t resist. A woman named “January” started with a little light concealer around my eyes and nose, then went on to put Stila’s “30 watt” Illuminating foundation on my face. Aha, my first beauty faux pas! I was trying to cover my freckles with foundation and I should have been lightening them to blend into the rest of my skin the way January did.

With my face as an easel with the proper foundation, I told her I wanted to try the new “smokey” eye look, which is an extremely hot look. Here is the secret to eyes that can set off the fire alarm. She used black eyeshadow with somewhat of a shimmer to it and very lightly rounded my eyelid using a slanted eyeshadow brush. Then, she took an eyeliner brush and dipped it in black liquid eyeliner to outline my eyes. She put black mascara on both the top and bottom lashes. The final outcome was sizzling!

For my cheeks, January put a light rosy color on the apples of my cheeks and blended inward. My lips were then drenched in Lorac’s lip polish in “Tease”. I personally didn’t care for the color but I loved the high shine that made my lips shoot out with sparkle. It amazed me.For the finishing touch, she took a big powder brush and used Stila’s “30 watt” Illuminating powder over my entire face.

Afterwards, I looked into the mirror and my face was bright and lively. My eyes were ever so slighty sketched with dark liner and shadow. So with a new face, I browsed around and tried as much stuff as I could. After checking out, I came out happy and satisfied. I liked what I saw and I have to say, it was all worth it.

If you are fortunate enough to live close to a Sephora or if you plan on taking a trip somewhere check the place out and see if a Sephora is near. If you’ve never had a make-over before I suggest you grab your phone book and select a good beauty salon to make your appointment now! Don’t let the wheelchair be an excuse. Makeovers can be done in the wheelchair and it is easier then going into a Wal-mart or a drug store and guessing the color closest to your skin only to realize it is so wrong and ten bucks goes down the drain. Makeovers allow the process for trial and error without spending a dime. The makeup artist tries each color until it goes perfectly with the rest of your skin and blends in concealer to make your face look and feel as smooth as a baby’s you-know-what. What are you waiting for?!

Starr Vaughn
Beauty Editor
South Carolina resident Starr Vaughn has Osteogenesis Imperfecta and uses a wheelchair. When not studying for her University of South Carolina journalism classes, she enjoys shopping for clothes, makeup and antiques.