Poseidon: Barely Floating

In Columns, Just My Bellybutton, Opinion by Nathasha Alvarez

After I attended Monday’s screening of Peterson’s version of Poseidon, I left in good spirits.

The movie with Kurt Russell as the overprotective father was entertaining. Teens will really enjoy the movie because of the visual effects and the constant physcial action.

While I don’t attempt to be a movie critic, I am very picky about the movies I do watch. I prefer to ask myself, is it worth spending my money to see it in the movie theatres or should I wait to make it a blockbuster night?

Poseidon makes it both for many unusual reasons. Some of the characters are too stereotypical. Kevin Dillon plays the obnoxious southern boy with the big attitude.

Mia Maestro is religious latina stowaway trying to get to her family. Freddy Rodriguez is the latino waiter who gets her on the ship. Kurt Russell plays the overprotective father.

Actually, Kurt Russell has a scene that resembles a little too much like Bruce Willis in Armageddeon.

I still blame the nosey little boy for the death of one of the characters.

It is the type of movie you will rent to get a chuckle every now and then, feel the fear grip

you for the moment and leave you grateful for land.

Let us know what you think of the movie.
Email us at nathasha@audacitymagazine.com .