Special Love

In Columns, Just My Bellybutton, Opinion by Nathasha Alvarez

It’s Valentine’s! We all have that special love. I have a special love. My heart has been broken numerous times no matter how much I try to protect it from pain. Yet there is one exclusive love in my life who has never made me hurt. He has made these past 12 years very extraordinary.

Scrappy Love

He loves me unconditionally. I really mean it. He is always happy to see me. I have come home tired from work or stressed from life. Or I wake up with bed head or maybe a terrible cold. Yet he is there with a big smile on his face and this need to be close to me no matter how I look.

Sometimes I act silly, play the music too loudly as I sing along while cleaning the house. He looks at me, raises one eye and sits back to watch my antics. Whenever I am in any room I know he is there too.

He can be overly protective but it comes in handy. There have been times when a stranger has come too close for comfort but he lets the stranger know that there is a line that should not be crossed when it comes to me. He is not a fighter but he gets his point across.

He can be jealous at times and perhaps to some people it might seem as if he is a bit smothering. In fact, I know if he could speak he would have a cell phone and call me to find out when I would be home.

Time is now taking its toll on him. He is not as young as he used to be. I recently found out he has arthritis and it is causing him much pain in his left leg. He doesn’t complain but I can see him struggle with the pain. It breaks my heart to know that he won’t be around forever. T he doctor said I should make him as comfortable as possible since

he has lived a full life.

I know I am not alone. There are countless of people who must deal with the final days, weeks or months of a dying pet.

Perhaps some of you thought I was talking about a human being. I wish! If men behaved the way real dogs behave, life would be enriched by the thousands.

My special love, my dalmation, my Scrappy is so important in my life because we depend on each other. His curiosity awakens mine. He teaches me patience, loyalty, and the importance of affection. He never complains when I wake him up because I am in so much pain. He has taught me that pets like humans are not replaceable once they become ill or die.

Srappy won’t be around for much longer, according to the vets. So as much as I love him, I realize that there will come a day when I will have to say my last goodbye to him. I must not be selfish by keeping him in pain simply to suit my wants. His quality of life is more important than his years on earth. Shouldn’t that be for everyone?

Do you have a special story about your pet? We want to hear it. Please send it to nathasha@audacitymagazine.com .