The Most Audacious Person Award, Goodsearch and More

In Here's the Spin, News by Nathasha Alvarez

The votes are in but the w

inner has yet to be declared. Hey! It takes some time to count the votes. But you will know right away when it happens if you are a subscriber to the magazine’s newsletter. If not, then what are you waiting for?

Subscribe and make sure that is in your address book or else it goes right into spam and you will not know who the winner is until March!!!

The newsletter is free. In fact, the magazine will always be free for you. That was the intention of the magazine the minute it was born in my brain.

We have enough to worry about as physically disabled people.

But every company needs money to continue to run so we set up several methods for you and others to help maintain the magazine running smoothly.

You can use and place audacity magazine as your choice of charity.

Every time you need to search for a topic on the internet you can go to and make sure that we are your charity of choice and you have managed to raise one penny for the magazine!

ONE PENNY!!! Can you believe it? Now Audacity will really blow up, right? Actually, every penny counts. It’s a simple way for you to help the magazine and I know that the magazine really appreciates it! I asked the magazine yesterday and the magazine said YES!

So go to and use that as your search engine of choice.

We also have a paypal account and a p.o. box where you can send us any donation you feel comfortable with.

In March, we are launching a sponsorship club for those with the deeper pockets.

Many people with disabilities shop online and our banners help us generate funds for the magazine so if you see an ad here then click on it and shop to your heart is content.

If there is a particular product or company that you would like to see here, let us know or better yet, let the company know.

Have you checked out the Online Forum? We have a Online Forum for you to interact with other readers about every topic under the sun. can’t possibly know all of the answers to all of the questions in the world but when you join the Online Forum you can help give your personal advise to others in your situation. It’s also a great way to make friends.

Speaking of friends, has a new member!

If you are a myspace member make sure you add to your buddy list!

Soon, there will be more treats in store for you.

If you have any questions or comments about what you want to read at let us know!

Until then, CHEERS!