The People Have Spoken!

In Features, Letters To The Editor, We Hear Ya! by Our Readers

Dear Audacity,

Ariel SilverSpirit’s telling of her separation from her son left me an emotional impression with me. May God bless her!

Stacy Owens
Maryland USA

Ariel SilverSpirit brought me to tears! Thanks for keeping it real!

Tamara Edwards
Atlanta, Georgia USA

Finally an ezine that feeds our minds with honesty and passion! Every issue makes me proud to be a person with a physical disability.

Belinda Flowers

New Jersey USA

Erich Cella’s articles rock! Brutally honest! He should have a column named after him!

The Brutal Truth!

Steven Campbell
Oregon USA
I love this website! I live in a town where there are no disabled people. I read Audacity and I have many friends who share their lives with me. Thank you Greg Banks, Amy Blanchard, Marelise Prinsloo and Nathasha Alvarez!

Jeffrey Summit
California USA

I found your site, read articles in the archives and I want more sex! Articles on sex, dating, getting romantic and intimate! Give me more!

Mark Richmond
New York

I like the magazine but the movie reviews come out too late. Can’t you write the reviews as soon as the movies come out or even before it premieres?

Jesse Dearfield
California USA
Regarding Just My Bellybutton, April issue.
Great article about the ‘real housewife’ show. It was offensive and

Matt Roloff
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