These Five Books Proven to Help Achieve Audacious Goals.

In Books, Entertainment by Nathasha Alvarez

Background is a brick wall. There's a graphic painting of Nathasha on the wall. It's a somewhat profile view as she stares off to the right.

I love reading. I love books that add value to my life. Setting audacious goals has always been in my DNA and these books nurtured it. It all started when my friend, Randy introduced me to several goal setting and motivational books. These books helped me in all areas of my life. I never thought of sharing them here, but while coaching and mentoring others, I realized that I kept recommending them. Now I will simply point them to this article. My desire is that you read them, add the principles to your life and start your successful journey.

If you can’t buy the books, find them at your local library. There are more than these five books, but I’m sharing the ones that I repeatedly return to when taking on a lofty goal or when I’m struggling in life.

As a disabled Latina woman, I’m well aware of the ugly in the world. But these books have empowered me. My hope is that they empower you.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is a solid resource for audacious goal setting. It doesn’t help you write the goals. It doesn’t say what to do or not do. But it does something more magical. It plants the seed for your goal. The best time to read this book is now. Even if you don’t have a goal, read it.

It’s not a difficult book to read. It’s not dry or too wordy. The information is still relevant today despite its 1937 publication year. I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I say that almost every successful person read it. It’s that fantastic. The narrative is friendly and direct. After reading it, you will have learned the principles needed to have the right mindset to achieving audacious goals.

I’ve read this book at least three times. Sometimes I go back to it as a source of motivation and inspiration. It leaves me with a “Yes, I can!” attitude. Physically disabled people can rise above the poverty level. We are meant for greatness. Read this book. Achieve your audacious goals.

First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

Full disclosure. This is a great book with too many words. But read it anyway. The idea is that we all want to do everything, then we list what we want to do thinking it will get done, but it doesn’t. We get frustrated and we don’t know why. This books explains it. It helps you prioritize. It’s fantastic! Read it, but it’s okay to read it as a resource as well.

Stephen R. Covey’s book is a definitely for readers who like details on the why. Sometimes, I want the how more than the why. How to get things done, how to write goals, how to do this or that. Yet, I was able to read this book while finishing my college degree.

I’ve used this with my middle school students to demonstrate how they are able to get certain tasks done quickly before the others. The title says it all. We must prioritize. How? That’s in the book, too. Check it out.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Second book with the word “Think” in it. There’s a reason. The book answers it. Many of us let our dreams die. But these books reawaken them. It reminds us that even though we have a physical disability, we have audacious goals like everyone else.

I’m a firm believer that if we have a deep desire to do something, it can be done. The Magic of Thinking Big taught me a term that I use in the classroom. “Excuse-itis” Love it! It’s when you have more excuses than reasons for taking action.

If you are the kind of person who can read the book despite knowing it was written over sixty years and you won’t freak out because of the male dominated world thinking, then you should read this book. Remember, he wasn’t insulting you. It was the time back then. Read it and get what you can out of it. Whatever bothers you, flush it. We can’t have the perfect book. But this one will make you see your dreams as a reality. Great for goals setting.

It’s a great book to read for the disabled community because our mindset needs to be strong for those struggling times.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Do NOT read this book if you are sensitive to everything. This book is a classic. It was written decades ago. It’s not going to have all the warm fuzzy feeling words that people must say in books or else feel the wrath of society. Just scroll to the next book.

But if you are able to understand that despite the time period of publication, the message is helpful. Many people have said it’s like the prequel to The Secret. I love the book because I’m a strong believer in positive thinking. Hey! When you live fracturing bones or taking steps to prevent a fracturing bones, while living your most audacious life, you know that having a positive attitude is a must!

When I made my goal, I met up with major obstacles. It was my positive attitude that propelled me to continue. I think it’s because several years prior, I had read this book and applied the juicy bits. Read it if you want to succeed with your audacious goals. You will be happy you did.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

I was twenty years old when I read this book. After reading it, I told everyone around me to read it. It was that impactful. Later on, I read it again when I felt the need to level up my networking game. You see, we can never succeed alone. Don’t believe the hype when people say they are a self made success story. So if you feel that you can’t achieve your goals alone, you’re right. If you feel that you have no one, you’re wrong. You have people. They might not be in your life just yet, but after reading this book, you can see they are out there.

This book is so powerful that every high school student should read this before graduating because that’s when they have audacious goals. We’ve lost our understanding that we can’t achieve greatness alone. This book shows us how to attract the right people in our lives.

If I have to give you a concrete example, then I will tell you about my friend, Jorge A. He knows people. He knows people who know people. No, he’s not in the Mafia! Ha ha!

However, if you ask him if he knows a good doctor, a good lawyer, a good plumber, a good horticulturist, or a good limo company, he will look into his bag of tricks and pull out a name. Usually there’s a story that goes with it. He met them at an event, or a business meeting, or a social gathering, or who knows where. But he makes it a point to interact with others, exchange information and follow up on the new founded relationship.

That’s what this book does for you.

I know Jorge has read all these books because he’s written and achieved audacious goals.

Start Your Journey. Audacious Goals for Everyone!

Let me leave you with this tidbit. When you surround yourself with people who have goals, who read self improvement books, and who practice the principles in these books, you will have a greater probability of achieving your audacious goals.

What book have you read that has propelled you into action? I’d love to know.

Here are the links to the books. If you use these links to purchase the books, will get a little piece of the profit without affecting your cost. Thank you.

How to Win Friends and Influence People.

The Power of Positive Thinking.

The Magic of Thinking Big

First Things First

Think and Grow Rich

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