Physically disabled people need powerful goals. Why? Because successful people have goals. Powerful goals. Goals that burned inside their soul. Goals that took over their thoughts until they had to form an action plan. So why can’t we have those goals?
The only people who don’t believe we should have powerful goals are the people who don’t see us as humans with the same desires and needs as them. Those people aren’t allowed in your life. Ban them from entering your mind right now, even if you might not be able to ban them physically from your life.
Tell yourself over again until you believe it. Say these words, “I decide who enters my mind. I decide you aren’t privy to my thoughts, my dreams, my goals.” Now that we’ve declared those negative people as trespassers and banished them from entering our mind, we continue on our journey.
All humans want to feel they have a purpose. In fact, when people feel lost in life, it’s usually because they haven’t realized their purpose in life. We fulfill our purpose when we accomplish our powerful goals. Oprah Winfrey said it best.
I believe every one of us is born with a purpose. No matter who you are, what you do, or how far you think you have to go, you have been tapped by a force greater than yourself to step into your God-given calling. This goes far beyond what you do to earn your living. I’m talking about a supreme moment of destiny, the reason you are here on earth. -Oprah Winfrey
Powerful Goals Help Create a New Reality
I wrote down goals before I knew the importance of writing goals. As a young teenager, I went searching for a book to teach me how to get the highest marks in school. I found the book. It said, “Step one, write down your homework.” That’s how it started. Think about it. “Answer the odd questions on page 43 in the math book. Due next class.” That right there was a goal. I saw it and took the steps to accomplish it.
We shape our destiny with our words. We give ourselves direction with our goals. We give ourselves purpose when we take action to achieve our goals.
Nathasha Alvarz
But wait, before you take off to write your goals, you need to choose your powerful goals wisely. Then you need to write them.
There’s a difference between a to do list and setting powerful goals in writing.
To do lists are small steps in every day maintenance or they are actionable steps in achieving our goals. But they are not goals. That’s where people get confused and frustrated. So let’s see how to create goals. Powerful goals.
I created AudacityMagazine.com in 2003 because mainstream media had left the physically disabled community behind. My goal was to fill that void. My desire to achieve this goal was greater than my feelings to give up on it.
This to do list was filled with actionable steps needed to achieve the goal. The to do list was long, but I didn’t have to do all the steps at once or by myself. The steps had to change sometimes. The goal never changed. Audacitymagazine.com became the first online lifestyle magazine for physically disabled people. It’s still the only one of its kind. That’s my most powerful goal in action.
The Goal Must Call You
When you are goal setting, you must listen to yourself. What result do you want to see? How will it help you, change you, improve your life? That’s how you will see results. If it doesn’t move you emotionally, it won’t move you mentally or physically. It’s simply wishful thinking.
Not all goals have to be as lofty as creating a company like AudacityMagazine.com. But they have to move you out of your comfort zone. The goals must speak to your heart and soul. They must move you into action.
For years, I read Suze Orman’s financial books and watched her tv show. She had gumption, audacity, and pizzazz. I loved her. I wanted to meet her. So when I found out that she was in town to promote one of her books, I made plans to attend the event. But my goal was to meet her and ask her about my specific financial situation. Not only did I meet her, but she became my friend and an audacious supporter of AudacityMagazine.com. Whenever she’s in town and I’m available, we meet up. I was that passionate about meeting her. I took action, I saw results.

Disabled Influencers with Powerful Goals
Think about the current disabled influencers who are monetizing on their disability. Do you think these opportunities simply popped up at their doorstep? No!
- They made it their priority.
- They made it their goal.
- They took action.
For example, Cory from https://curbfreewithcorylee.com/ loves traveling and he found a way to monetize on that. He could have stayed home with his wishful thinking. “I wish I could travel. I wish I could go here and there.” Instead he made it a goal. The results? He’s living his most audacious life traveling around the world and bringing awareness to the travel industry about our concerns. He found his purpose. He’s driven. He’s succeeding.
Who else do you know?
Powerful Goals Like My Alaskan Cruise
One of my favorite stories is when I told my family that I was going on an Alaskan cruise whether they came with me or not. I had written the goal in my journal every year for several years. I had created a vision board with Alaskan cruise brochures. My bank account said I had enough for the balcony cabin on the cruise ship. Within one hour, my sister, and our friend were booked for the cruise. They knew I was going to go with or without them. Because when you set powerful goals, the right people will enter your life.

Pushing My Way In A 10K
Another time while speaking with the most amazing person, Marc Ensign, I decided that I would have an audacious goal before the end of the year. Marc thought I needed to end the year with a big bang! So what did I do? I signed up to push my manual wheelchair in a 10K. I don’t even push around the neighborhood. But there was.
I wrote down the goal. Finish a 10K.
Then I wrote down people who would be able to support me on this powerful goal. My sister, Tanya Alvarez used to be a long distance runner. I put her on my list. Then I put my close friend, Karen Brindle who did these 10K events. With their help, their guidance, and their patience, I finished a 10K on Thanksgiving morning. One of my most powerful goals was checked off.

You may be asking yourself, of all the goals, why push a 10K?
This is a very real and personal reason that I’m finally willing to share with others outside of my immediate circle. I’m aware that my Osteogenesis Imperfecta might one day take away my ability to push my wheelchair. I’m aware that if I want to live a long healthy life, I have to be physically active. It was also a time when I was losing many OI friends. Their health problems ended their lives too soon. This was my way of honoring them, honoring the body I had, and literally pushing myself more than I’ve ever pushed in my life.
Your Powerful Goals Are for You.
Sometimes our most powerful goals don’t need a spotlight in the world. Sometimes they need a spotlight in your life. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal. Even when it seems too challenging. I had to learn how to manage a nonprofit, research accessible options in Alaska, and deal with physical pain during my training for the 10K. But I persevered because the goal was too powerful for me to give up.
I’d like to leave you with this suggestion. Keep a journal. Write down your goals. Write down what you want in life. See what themes continue to reappear. Then brainstorm ways of achieving them.
Be sure you read this article with the five books that I would recommend to anyone I love when starting on an audacious journey of goal setting. Click here.
These books are a great starting point.
Writing the Powerful Goals
I could write about it or I could have you watch this video that I found. It does a better job than I could do. And if you read the books mentioned in the above link, you’ll be on your way to achieving goals you never thought you could. Just because we are disabled doesn’t mean our goals can’t be lofty and powerful. You and I have a purpose. We can do it.
Keep scrolling. There’s more.
Believe in your right to have a life with purpose. Believe in yourself.
Until next time, I will leave you with some extra stuff.
My sister, Tanya Alvarez creates powerful goals as well. Check out her company. Click here.
When you surround yourself with like minded people, you can take amazing trips like the one I took with Juliana Marulanda and my sister. This is Juliana’s company. Click here.
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