2008: Your Year?

In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Ringing in the new year is your favorite time of year! Reflecting on your past achievements and setting new goals for the upcoming year …

Avoid Feeling Foolish

In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Aries (March 21- April 19): Happy birthday, Aries! Finally, you feel inspired to share your goals with others. Your goal is not a foolish one. Take stock in your life’s …

Is It Your Turn?

In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Pisces (Feb. 20- March 20): A celebration is around the corner for you! Your hard work has paid off. This is not the time to look at all of the …

Love in Your Life?

In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb.18): Dreams are great! You feel invincible and you should! This is your month. Make those dreams come true and form a plan of action! Having a …

Delightful or Dreary December?

In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) : Your time has come! Celebrate the holidays by listing all of your personal and professional achievements. Have your friends do the same and while …


In Entertainment, Horoscope by Nathasha Alvarez

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Put away that stinger or you will more than likely hurt those you love. Harsh words should be left until after the holidays. If you can’t …