If You Only Knew

In Features, My Piece of the Sky, Opinion by Our Readers

If You Only Knew….

If you only knew the pain we feel when we struggle to fight a battle

— a battle so often fought alone

If you only knew the hopelessness we feel when shedding a tear

— a tear so often sobbed alone

If you only knew the heartaches we bear alone

— a burden to0 much to bear alone

If you only knew the sadness we feel when no one reaches out

— a dying soul dies alone

If you only knew the joy we wish to express of happiness with good news

— a joy often shared alone

If you only knew that we hope for life that is just a wish away

— a life wished sadly alone

If you only knew the dreams we seek for a successful life

— a dream we pray for alone

If you only knew the power, you could make a difference

– a difference we can share together

– a dream we can share together

– a life we can share together

– a burden we can share together

– a tear we can share together

– a battle we can share together

– a life we can save today

…you knew… but you walked away.

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