My husband and I have been together for almost 18 years (married for almost 13). Although I don’t really consider myself disabled at this point in time, the government does, so I try to keep abreast of the disabled community.
What’s so special about us? I’m a dwarf and my husband is an average sized man. At 3’8″ and 6 ft tall we usually turn heads wherever we go, but the comment we most often hear after people are around us for awhile is “You two are so perfect together!” I’m assuming they mean personality and soul-wise! 😉
We met in our college fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, which is a national co-ed service fraternity and remain active as alumni advisors to our home chapter.
When my husband first joined the fraternity I thought he was kind of a geek.
He was shy and a terrible dresser. After about 4 months though, one night I just kind of got hit by a bolt from the blue that said “here’s the one, get him!”
We started dating in February of 1988 and never looked back. He’s gotten over his shyness and I dress him now so he’s quite the looker, but he’s still a geek in the good way, meaning he’s brilliant in math, physics and computers.
We are still crazy about each other after all these years because we laugh with or at each other every day. Our difference in height has never been important relationship-wise.
He has always seen me as a sexy, beautiful woman in my own right and he says he loves me for my spirit. He is the sweetest, gentlest guy ever and I thank God every day that he’s mine.