At the age of fifty after recovering from a spinal fusion, I was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, a neuromuscular disease that affects the peripheral nerves. Shortly after I was fitted …
We Can Still Love!
We are dismissed because our disability is thought to make us stupid. Do you think it is always us? This area of dissection, which is readily unspoken about, is most …
Peering Eyes Watching
Having been brought up to believe in the truth and goodness in man kind, I was won over, persuaded, and convinced by these so called experts, in the disabled community. …
Living By Our Own Standards
Society’s attitudes towards the disabled on that subject have some changing to do still I am afraid. I myself am an adjunct history professor, working on a doctoral degree. This …
My First Osteogenesis Imperfecta Conference in Washington DC
Since I lived only 4 hours away from our nation’s capital, my parents were able to drive me there. I was so excited about going and counting down the days …
Hurts More Than A Broken Bone
Profoundly hurtful words can sear through you and unconsciously lower your self-worth over time. Some even argue that it is just as painful as being beaten. I must admit that …
Dr. Andrew John Kramer
The physical therapy movement at its best is the result a small cadre of men, and women who refused to coincide all of us, to eternal childhood, or drugged isolation. …
The Trip I Took to the East Coast to Speak for Our People
For the last three years, I have traveled to the east coast, on my own expense, to speak on behalf of the disabled community and discrimination, at Kean University. ach …
What We May Not Know as People with Special Needs
Despite most myths and misinformation, getting an electric wheelchair isn’t that difficult providing your physician can document the need. Clearly have them state that you need a manual, electric or …