When you think of hot summer days, you, like everyone else, think of beaches, swimming pools, cookouts and probably the dreadful bathing suit. Ever since the turn of the 19th …
Shimmery Skin for Summer
You’ve seen it on magazine covers and in ads declaring smooth, luminous skin that radiates perfectness. It’s all the rage this summer. Shimmer lotions and sprays that make your skin …
Makeovers… Are They Worth The Time?
Ok, we all know what you want! It’s what every girl wants:smooth flawless skin. On my face, I’ve been cursed with a million feckles and dry skin, but I’ve learned …
Crips, Gimps, whatever!
Every minority group has at least one issue which divides them. For people of African descent, it is the word nigger. Some view that word as one so steeped in …
ADA Compliance Takes Strange Twists
In December 2000, the San Diego City Council approved a deal where they would compensate the Chargers for any seats lost at Qualcomm Stadium in making the stadium ADA compliant. …